Dole Sunshine Latino Case Study

Helping Latina Mom’s seeing Dole as a trusted partner.

With an eye on the ever growing Latino population, especially among the younger generations, Dole Packaged Foods came to Orcí for help in making inroads with this important segment. Research showed that despite strong brand awareness, Latina moms felt little connection to the Dole brand. Dole was seen as very corporate, cold and unapproachable. It’s key competitor was seen as very welcoming, farmer-like and a brand they could relate to.

We set very specific objectives: Make Dole a brand Hispanic women want to invite into their homes, and build a connection to the brand using Fruit Bowls as our gateway product. First we established a Spanish-language microsite and launched Dole Sunshine Latino on Facebook. Social allowed us to establish a connection with Latina moms on a daily basis, where and when they look for solutions. We wanted them to see Dole as a trusted partner for Latina moms that are seeking education, entertainment and empowerment. To that end, we used a mix of social media product posts (recipes, product art), audience interests (Mom Sayings, Lifestyle / Family life, D.I.Y. projects) and trending topics (seasonal themes, holidays). This mix balanced product promotion with audience engagement to keep the newsfeed fresh and present Dole as a friendly brand.

We surpassed our impressions and engagement rate goals. The campaign results increased social engagement with post share up 272 percent, comments up 60 percent and overall engagements up 246 percent. Traffic to the website grew substantially increasing 289 percent. Nine months after launch we were consistently reaching over three million Latina Moms a month with engagement rates at three times the average rate for Facebook CPG brand posts.

Our test, learn and optimize approach with content and targeting has enabled us to create a highly engaged community, setting up for success in the new Facebook world.

Mom’s Sayings – Madrina

Mom’s Sayings – Momma

Mom’s Sayings – Abuela

Mom’s Sayings – Tia